Why we do Research:
To generate knowledge and fill gaps in evidence on the health of racialized women
To inform our programs, services and strategic vision with evidence
To influence policy and practice
To foster learning relationships between researchers, policy makers, service providers, service users and our communities
Over the last 15 years our small research team led by Wangari Tharao and our research partners have published technical reports, book chapters, factsheets, arts-based knowledge tools and numerous peer reviewed journal articles and proposed wise practices spanning over 35 research projects. Numerous academic and community presentations have also been delivered in local, national and global forums.
This cumulative sharing of knowledge has impacted the ways in which policymakers make policy, the way service providers produce and deliver services and most importantly, the way women approach their health. WHIWHs has used its research data to advocate for the recognition of social determinants of health, health services for the uninsured and the removal of sexist and racist health practices.
Review some of our select studies or archived research reports in this section